Monday, August 24, 2009

Peter Sanson

During 2009 Peter Sanson will be teaching classes in Hawkes Bay - he will take over from Brian Waller who is currently overseas.
This is a great opportunity for locals and anyone who can make it to Hawkes Bay as Peter is one of only three fully certified Ashtanga yoga teachers in the World

Monday, July 9, 2007


AUGUST 24 to 26

FRIDAY NIGHT 6.30pm – 8.30pm

SATURDAY 8.00am - 10.00am

SATURDAY 12.30pm - 2.30pm

SUNDAY 7.00am - 9.00am

SUNDAY 12.30pm - 2.30pm

Half deposit on registration

Brian 068443651 0210612594

Margaret 068445417 0212346543

John Scott is a world-renowned practitioner of Ashtanga Yoga and presents both National and International Workshops
John was certified to teach by Shri K Pattabhi Jois in 1996, having studied with him in Mysore, India, since 1989. His depth of knowledge and enthusiasm for sharing his experience is readily apparent in his classes.
Lucy Scott has studied with Shri K. Pattabhi Jois since the early 1990's, and has Guruji's blessing. Lucy assists John, and their combined skills create a dynamic balance of strength and grace. This complements their teaching gifts, knowledge, and enthusiasm for passing on the method of this ancient form of yoga.
John taught until recently at The Ashtanga Retreat Centre in Cornwell, England.
He has now established a centre at Nelson.

Saturday, May 12, 2007

John Scott Coming To Hawkes Bay

World renowned Ashtanga yoga teacher, John Scott, will conduct a workshop in Hawkes Bay in August. There will be five sessions titled "Yoga For Life."
The sessions will be conducted on Friday evening, 24th, Saturday 25th and Sunday 26th.
The cost of the workshop will be $220.
More details will be posted as the programme and venue are confirmed.

Saturday, April 7, 2007

Simon Borg-Olivier Workshop

Simon Borg-Olivier is to hold a 2 day workshop in Havelock North on the 26th and 27th May. Simon is a renowned teacher from Sydney with a physiotherapy background. The workshop will focus on traditional hatha yoga with an understanding from exercise-based physiotherapy. It focuses on the seven main principles of applied anatomy and physiology of yoga.

Any Student of yoga will get great benefit from this.

Cost $225 if paid before the 28th April, $275 after.

Contact Doris Blum:
06 874 60 39 021 1460199


I am at present enjoying Peter's workshop here in Gisborne. Each session has been well attended by over 30 participants, some travelling from Auckland, Wellington, Tauranga, Hamilton and Napier.
It is a tribute to Peter's teaching that he has developed such a loyal following.
Participating in the workshop is inspiring, as the energy developed by the group gives impetus to one's own practice.
The social activities also are another attraction with the after session get to togethers, Indian meals and pot luck dinners.
All in all a great time.

Thursday, March 15, 2007

You tube videos

You tube is starting to amass some good videos on Ashtanga yoga. Two I enjoyed in particular are described below.
There is a short video (with subtitles) of Sri Patthabi Jois speaking on yoga. In this he gives some insights into yoga. He talks of yoga as being an internal exercise which leads to internal cleansing. He emphasises the need to practice asana regularly, 95% practice and 5% theory. Breathing techniques are mentioned. In particular the need to keep the time of the inhalation and exhalation the same length.
This a good opportunity to see the guru speak and hear those words of wisdom direct from the mouth.
The other displays some aesthetic video clips in the outdoors of various sequences from the Ashtanga series. Worth a look.

Thursday, March 8, 2007

Have Westerners Killed Yoga?

Patanjali's Sutras contain 195 aphorisms. The physical practices are mentioned in very few of them. I found 15 aphorisms that contained references to the physical practices.
That leaves 180 aphorisms that talk about the rest of the practice of yoga.
References are made to yoga being taught one on one with the yoga master teaching the student.
When I see yoga classes in many Western studios I see crowded classes of twenty or more. The classes tend to be led classes of asana practice.
How does this fit with the sutras?
The Sutras and Sri Patthabi Jois both say that the physical practice is necessary for the practice of yoga. ("Do your practice and all is coming").
But the sutras also mention that yoga begins with the first limb, being the yamas. Specifically to take care of others and practice service.
How many of us do this?
How many classes are just gymnastic classes that make the student feel good?